Our Impact
Bringing Out The Best In You, Taking You From Clay To Gold
Who Do You See, When You See Them? When some people see them, they see Beggars, When we see them, we see Beautiful people. When some people see them, they see low life, When we see them, we see destiny in the making.

How It All Started?
What if a beggar eventually makes it in life? What will be my excuse? We believe that God has great plans for everybody including beggars, do you?
I remember that day vividly. I was young but the memory won’t go away. The year was 2007, I saw her every day on the same spot begging for money. She was sick, her health deteriorated and nobody did anything. Within me, I cried for help, I wish somebody will do something, anything even food or paracetamol but nope. I was so helpless about the situation. Eventually she died! Yes, the woman died and her body was taken off the street. I secretly wept within me. Nobody did anything to help her but they did something to keep her body from polluting the street. Fast forward to 7 years later (2014). I was climbing a bridge at Onipanu Lagos State, Nigeria. I noticed that the bridge was in a very poor condition: it was made of steel and they were rusty, in fact, you could see the vehicles moving on the expressway by just looking through the holes. I was scared that the bridge might fall anytime. I was not comfortable walking on the bridge. With fear in me, I started praying under my breath as I walked along gently only for me to see beggars on this poor bridge begging passengers for money. At that moment, it occurred to me that they are not even afraid for their lives; they are not scared of dying, all they want is money to put food in their tummies. That situation reminded me of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: Physiological needs come before Safety needs. I knew at the same time that God wanted me to do something about it. I feel really concerned anytime I see them on the road begging for money. Under the sun and in the rain, all they want is Physiological needs even though they deserve more. Although it took me a while but now we are ready: To encourage as many people as possible to stop judging but to start caring for the Internally Displaced People who mostly beg. We are committed to helping these people realize that they can be great too regardless of their current situation. To empower them to have character and competency. To possess viable skills and solve problems exceptionally. In fulfilling this dream of eradicating begging as a means of livelihood, this September, we intend to storm Lagos, Nigeria as we care for them. Our next event is coming up on the 3rd Saturday in September.
- Medicals Check ups, prescriptions and giving out of drugs
- Inspiration: Let them know that God loves them and they can FulfillDESTINY too
- Supply them with clothings…
- Feeding them
- Psychotherapy Sessions
- Enroll some in any skill acquisition of their choice
- Follow up on them to ensure they consistently improving Beaugefoundation.org
Our Vision
To lovingly eradicate begging as a means of livelihood in the world by empowering IDPs/beggars to become a blessing to the world.
Our Mission
To create a system that empowers, transforms and integrates beggars back into the society as self-sufficient interdependent persons who add values to humanity
Our Values
LOVE: Unconditional love starts with me ACCOUNTABILITY: I’m answerable to God and humanity COMMITMENT: I’m dedicated to human dignity, respect, and excellence EMPATHY: I’ll compassionately serve and add values to humanity
Not Just Numbers But Impact
What we offer is transformation that transcends generations
God created every person in his image, everyone is special including the beggars because they have a piece of God within them. The time has come to lovingly eradicate begging as a means of livelihood, God desire that these wonderful people called beggars be taken through a process of transformation.

In Press